
A tech recruiter’s guide to 100% interview to offer conversion

  Let’s be blunt – the hiring process is hard, especially for tech companies. There are far too many factors to account for, and a suboptimal recruitment process means you end up with the wrong candidate more often than not. The interview to offer conversion rate in tech is a strong indicator of your recruitment funnel’s success. As a recruiter, it’s important to understand the difference between having more applicants to choose from and attracting the right applicants. According to Lever, the average number of interviews compared to each hire is the highest in tech, meaning that the conversion rate is the lowest. An engineering role requires an average of 2.8 interviews per offer, which means that the average benchmark for tech companies’ conversion rates is 35%.   So tech recruiters seem statistically worse off. But this doesn’t mean your tech company is doomed to have a suboptimal recruitment funnel. On the contrary, you can have an exceptional recruitment funnel if you optimize i

What are Coding Tests and How do They Help Recruiters?

  Finding tech talent for your company’s needs can be a hassle, and studies reveal that as much as 86% of recruiters face trouble hiring well-qualified employees. That’s a lot! This is where coding tests offer some real promise – they can help you sift through the noise and filter out some quality talent. Coding tests are used by many major corporations and were originally pioneered by Microsoft. They are must-have tools for companies to determine the caliber of incoming candidates, especially for technical positions. Of course, a coding test is not an all-in-one deciding factor for whether to hire an employee or not. However, they offer the potential to assess candidates with an objective framework and better understand who may be a good fit for the job. What are coding tests?  Coding tests are typically programming challenges that assist in evaluating a developer or programmer’s technical competency. A good coding test will measure a candidate’s capacity for problem-solving and unde

All you Should know about Hiring a Kubernetes Developer

  Kubernetes has rapidly gained popularity as a standard way to run and test software applications in the modern tech world. Businesses are already going through a wave of digital transformation. However, a challenge businesses may face in the future is to focus on the details of the code instead of the infrastructure of where it runs. Kubernetes Developers address this challenge skillfully by bridging the gap between development and application deployment. 71% of the developers from Stackoverflow Developers Survey say that they love the Kubernetes Platform to build applications. According to an Indeed survey, 83% of tech professionals cited Kubernetes as the top choice for container management. If you are planning to hire Kubernetes Developer , it is suggested to hire the one that already has a bit of Kubernetes experience to be able to fit into the existing team faster. Hence in this article, we will suggest ways that can put an end to your long search for the perfect Kubernetes De

Step-by-Step guide to hire Reactjs Developer through technical screening

  Reactjs has revolutionized the development of web technologies over the past few years. Today, it is the second most popular web framework according to the Stackoverflow Developer Skills 2020 Survey. As known to all of us, most businesses today are going through a wave of digital transformation, and robust web applications have proven to be a critical component of this transformation. Due to the high demand for test reactjs skills , hiring skilled Reactjs Developers has undoubtedly become a difficult task for most of the hiring teams. If you are planning to hire a Reactjs Developer , it is suggested to hire such candidates who already have a bit of Reactjs experience. It will be easier for them and they will also be able to fit in the team faster. In this article, we will talk about the ways that can help you find that rockstar Reactjs Developer to compliment your web transformation needs. Skills that you must test for the Reactjs Developer position Stronghold on the fundamentals of